Soccer Philosophy

“ Fall in love with the Ball”

In the lobby of the hotel where the 1996 world all star team was staying, Bora Milutinović asked me what is the most important thing in soccer. The answer to the question was “the ball”. Every decision in the game is based on the ball. If you intend on being a soccer player, there is nothing that you should spend more time with; nothing else matters. We want you to fall in love with the ball. With the ball we will work to influence and develop players that are skillful, creative, tricky, deceptive, and good decision-makers. When you are confident on the ball, you can develop all of the qualities above.  

Not every soccer player can juggle, but every good one can. The ball knows no age and if you put in time with the ball, the ball will reward you by giving you a superior touch, skill and a prolonged soccer career.    

“Fall in love with the ball”


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“She is once again in love with the game, and it has been all her choice and John's skill in inspiring her.” - Brian K (Parent & UEFA B License)

“We have 3 daughters who have played a combined 20+ seasons of soccer. We have been fortunate to have several great coaches in our club, but Coach Mulroy stands out as the best. His passion for soccer is contagious, and my daughter has worked harder and developed more in her 2 seasons with Coach Mulroy than any other of her soccer seasons. With high-level playing experience, he brings a great balance of teaching individual technique with team tactics, and also balances proactive and focused coaching with "keeping it fun". If you have a chance to work with Coach Mulroy, I highly recommend it. Your game will improve and you will have a lot of fun working with him!” - Kane M (Parent)

“Our son has participated in several of the soccer clubs (after school) and Coach John Mulroy has made his experience so joyful while developing his skills.  In most cases we have to ask and pull information out of him of how school or club went but with Coach John -it's the opposite and you can feel the excitement when he's talking.  I asked John what he'd suggest for continuing our son’s development in Soccer and he provided a very thoughtful response along with an action plan on skills he can work on.” - Jay K (Parent)

“John is an awesome person and an inspiring coach. He almost single-handedly taught my son to believe in himself and his potential on the soccer field. After being coached by John, he loves playing with his friends and training with his team or on his own. John cares most about the development of the player and the young person, but he’s also competitive enough that he wants to win. He does an incredible job being constructive and positive and is also a ton of fun to be around. We feel incredibly fortunate that he’s been part of our son’s development and a soccer player and a young man.” - Todd and Jennifer H (Parents)

“Coach John is a very supportive, passionate coach. He communicates well and allows his team to problem solve while giving constructive feedback. He is enthusiastic about soccer and it shows in his coaching style. He continually sends inspiring messages and videos to keep his players engaged.  His team respects him and he communicates clearly the goals for each practice and game. We are so happy our daughter is on his team, his positive attitude and supportive manner makes for a great soccer experience all around.” - Katie G (Parent)

“John has coached our daughter for a couple of years now. He is truly passionate about soccer and coaching soccer! He emphasizes the fundamentals of the game, often by citing examples of world class players and their techniques. He pushes the girls to achieve beyond what they think their capabilities are and has done a terrific job of developing our team and players. In addition, he promotes the importance of respect on the field and winning (and losing) gracefully. John cares tremendously about each individual player and their own experience on his team. He is a fantastic coach!! - Jeanette and Chad (Parents)